


Curry cab is a famous cuisine in Singapore, especial in that restaurant that I visited. It is not a fancy and expansive restaurant but taste very good.

Singapore is not a big country, you can take the metro to visit different station. Most of the Singapore people can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English. You never will get loss in this country.

Russia 01 - Moscow

Behind of me, we call it red wall, everyday there are a lot of tourists visit this place, therefore soldiers change shift, they will have the performance to show it to the tourists. As you can see there is a tourist area, polices are all around the corner. You can buy the ticket to get inside. If you don't want to get inside, you also can see a fire burn on the water, it will never turns off.

Malaysia 01

Twin buildings are the landmark of Malaysia, it right on the back of the building I stand. This building is a restaurant, they have the performance during the dinner and you can take the cup as the souvenir after the dinner.

Since Malaysia is a multi-culture city, you can have different kind of food there. Especially the indian food. One of the most special you need to try is different types of the ice they have.
